3 Points That Define My Design Approach

 "Design is intelligence made visible." - Alina Wheeler 

When designing there are three important approaches for me, which I try to incorporate within each design...

1. Sustainability:

Being sustainable is so so important in the age of climate change, being as close to carbon-neutral as possible within a design, as well as making sure the hard materials used are recycled or recyclable, or if not then from local resources. 

2. Biophilic Design:

After learning so much about this topic for my dissertation I think I will definitely push for it within my designs, it's not just green roofs or green walls. It's also about creating a natural, ecologically diverse place for visitors to enjoy. 

3. Being True To Yourself:

Creating a design that I believe in, love and am proud of. As well as making sure I do not lose myself within a design. Making sure that approaches such as sustainability and issues such as climate change stay at the utmost priority. 


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